What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.1 HF1

Overview | Activities TabCOVID Injection WindowCOVID-19 Vaccine PrescriptionsPatient Consent | Drug Folder - Lot # and Expiry Dates


PharmaClik Rx 2.5.1 HF1 focuses on and introduces the COVID-19 Injection Module. This module provides your pharmacy the ability easily schedule COVID-19 injection appointments and process COVID-19 vaccine prescriptions.

With the COVID-19 Injection Module, you are able to:

  • Schedule COVID-19 Injection appointments by using the COVID-19 Injection and COVID-19 Injection Follow-up Activity Types.
  • Print Patient Consent Forms with auto-populated information.

  • Process COVID-19 vaccine prescriptions with auto-populated information from the scheduled COVID-19 injection activities or from the Patient-Focused Services (PFS) button.

  • Enter Lot #'s and expiry date information for the vaccines. This information will print on supporting documents.

  • Print the Activity List Report to obtain an overview of the COVID-19 appointments scheduled at your pharmacy in the Activities tab each day, allowing you to easily determine required inventory levels and ensure your pharmacy is properly staffed.

  • Print the Patient Detail Utility Report to obtain an overview of the number of patients that fall into a specific age category. This ensures you can prepare vaccine inventory during the different phases of your provinces immunization plan. Fore more information, see Patient Detail Utility Report.

Continue reading below to learn more about the COVID-19 Injection Module, or see COVID-19 Injection Module.

Activities Tab

Scheduling COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments (Activities)

Scheduling a COVID-19 Injection Activity is recommended when a patient wants to book an appointment to get the vaccine ahead of time.

Two types of COVID-19 Injection Activities can be scheduled in the Activities tab:

  • COVID-19 Injection - used to schedule the 1st dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • COVID-19 Injection Follow-up - used to schedule subsequent doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

When a COVID-19 Injection Activity is scheduled, your pharmacy will be able to:

  • Track when patients are coming in for scheduled appointments. This helps to ensure you have proper inventory levels of the vaccine and proper staffing levels.

  • Process prescriptions directly from the scheduled activity with the information auto-populated. This save you time from creating and entering prescription information and have it automatically populated based on the information from the activity.

Note: A COVID-19 Injection Activity can only be printed by processing the COVID-19 vaccine prescription from the scheduled activity. For more information, see Processing COVID-19 Vaccine Prescriptions.
If a COVID-19 Vaccine prescription is not processed from the COVID-19 Injection Activity, the activity can be deleted from the Activities tab.

For more information, see Scheduling COVID-19 Injection Activities.


The Activity List report can be printed directly from the Activities tab and filtered for COVID-19 Injection Activities for easy reporting functionality.

In coordination with COVID-19 Injection Module, this report allows you to:

  • View upcoming and overdue COVID-19 Injection Activities.

  • Prepare inventory levels and staffing hours accordingly.

For more information, see Activity List Report.

Covid Injection Window

A Covid Injection window has been added to PharmaClik Rx to make processing COVID-19 vaccines simpler and more efficient. The Covid Injection window can be accessed:

  • While processing a scheduled COVID Injection activity

  • From the patient's Profile tab by selecting Rx > Services > COVID Injection

With the Covid Injection window you are able to:

  1. View patient information.

  2. View information about previous COVID Injections, if one was previously processed at your pharmacy.

  3. Select the pharmacist that will act as the prescriber.

  4. Select the DIN or PIN that is required by your province for billing.

  5. Enter in the Lot # and expiry date. This information will then print on the Label and Immunization Record (LINK COMING SOON) and the Patient Consent Form.

  6. Schedule a COVID-19 Injection Follow-up activity, if required.

  7. Print the Patient Consent Form, prior to submitting the COVID-19 vaccine prescription or once the COVID-19 vaccine prescription is complete.

For more information, see Covid Injection Window Overview.

COVID-19 Vaccine Prescriptions

With the COVID-19 Injection Module, processing COVID-19 vaccine prescriptions has been made quicker and easier for you so you can concentrate on administering the vaccines more efficiently to your customers.

COVID-19 vaccine prescriptions are processed through the Covid Injection window from:

  • Scheduled COVID-19 Injection Activities

  • The patient's Profile from Rx > Services > COVID Injection

By processing COVID-19 vaccine prescriptions through the COVID Injection Module you can the following benefits:

  • Prescription information is auto-populated, reducing the need for you to manual create a new prescription.

  • The prescription is auto-processed, if you are in a province that allows auto-processing. If your province does not allow auto-processing, the COVID-19 vaccine prescription is placed on the Pending tab to be processed as usual.

  • The Patient Consent Form and COVID-19 Immunization Record print with information auto-populated from the Covid Injection window, saving you and your customer's time from manually filling in the information.

For more information, see Processing COVID-19 Vaccine Prescriptions.

COVID Patient Consent Form

COVID-19 Vaccination Patient Consent Forms can be generated and printed from the Covid Injection window with information auto-populated. The information that is auto-populated on the COVID Patient Consent Form is:

  • Patient demographic information

  • COVID-19 vaccine dispensed

  • Lot # and expiry date, if entered

  • Route of administration

  • Administration date

The Patient Consent Form can be printed

  1. While processing the a COVID-19 vaccine prescription. When printed with a prescription, a patient barcode is included. This allows the Patient Consent Form to be batch scanned and attached to the Patient Folder.

  2. On demand, allowing you to prepare the Patient Consent Form or have the consent form reprinted.

For more information, see Gathering COVID-19 Vaccination Consent.

Drug Folder - Lot # and Expiry Dates

The Lot # and expiry date for the COVID-19 vaccines can also be added in the Drug Folder. New Lot Number and Lot Expiry fields have been added to the Drug Folder.

If the Lot # and expiry date is entered in the Drug Folder for COVID-19 vaccines, this information will auto-populate in the COVID-19 Injection window.

For more information, see COVID-19 Vaccine Lot and Expiry Information.